For our users, geographical proximity is the key to providing timely human services and support. In industry,Baoli coatingAs the leader of vacuum coating equipment and electroplating equipment manufacturing, the sales and service are all over the world, and there are many increasing local technical support centers, whose potential is undoubtedly huge. Our broad foundation and strength around the world have put us in a unique position. Thanks to our stronger strength,therefore,Baoli coating can effectively respond to various service needs of users.

·On site services, including commissioning and acceptance of new equipment, equipment assurance, and paid services.

·Telephone support, including technical support for checking and troubleshooting user equipment after several hours.

·Remote service, through the Internet, helps analyze faults and solve problems. If possible, troubleshoot the problem.

·Relocate equipment to meet line configuration requirements. Movement, transportation and re installation of equipment and complete equipment.

·Improvement of process, evaluation of cycle time, and many other works.

  We try our best to meet the expectations of users and do our best by providing high-quality services to make the equipment delivered for use as soon as possible. You will see that the equipment maintenance and technical support team of Baoli vacuum can help you achieve the goal of better operation performance and better efficiency of the equipment.

  24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at any time according to your requirements to provide services!